What Exactly is a GodBuddy Relationship?

Over the years, I’ve developed some very close friendships with guys that came from spending time together in casual conversation, doing recreation, and just good old-fashioned hanging out. These are guys with whom I have a lot in common and we often share the same set of values. They are good friends, sometimes very good friends.

However, a “GodBuddy” friendship is like no other.

How is God Buddy Different?

In two of my opening posts here and here, I outlined a man’s need for some GodBuddies. These GodBuddy relationships (your “GBs” as I call them) are authentic, deep, and genuine friendships instead of shallow acquaintances that so many people have these days.

Your GB is similar to a close friendship but it connects you both on a “soul level”. It’s a very authentic, non-judgmental friendship, and accountable to a higher set of standards: God’s standards.

It’s a friendship that evolves but requires commitment and doesn’t happen overnight.

Principles of a God Buddy Relationship

Your “GB” relationship takes time to develop. I believe this deep friendship is built on a solid foundation of several biblical principles, each of which I will detail in later posts.

  • Authenticity
  • Confidentiality
  • Trust
  • Vulnerability
  • Kindness
  • Patience
  • Forgiveness
  • Bible study
  • Love
  • Prayer
  • Accountability

Each of these traits helps create a solid foundation that ensures the friendship can weather many storms. This friendship is not a “one-way street” but one that benefits both of you with support and encouragement. Most importantly, it helps both of you maintain high standards for your lives.

In my post Where Did All My Friends Go?, I described how our friendships come together in many ways. We start by choosing our friends in the neighborhood or at school. Others would come through association with other men, work acquaintances, or through dating and marriage.

Most Friendships Lack Depth

Friendships typically have varying degrees of connection and depth. These friendships usually come about by getting together as couples or around your children’s activities. It may come about by doing something you enjoy; either as individuals or as couples. But they often remain very superficial. These friendships come & go at any time. Usually, there is a gradual decay of importance due to the busyness of adulthood that does not allow any time and they no longer are a high priority.

Sharpening Each Other

The main difference is that a GodBuddy friendship goes deeper committing time for the relationship and meaningful discussions about life’s struggles.

One of my favorite Bible verses is “As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17) because it epitomizes the GodBuddy relationship. It provides Biblical insight and allows for a non-judgmental but often-needed critique of your flaws. It breaks off and refines weaknesses as you share best practices about life. This wisdom or “sharpening” will help you avoid the same mistakes and make you a better man.

What would you consider some of the flaws in today’s superficial relationships?

How are they different than a deeper GodBuddy friendship?

Feel free to comment below.


2 Responses

  1. I know this. But it is not easy to find someone like a God buddy. The people I have met in church is very busy in their own business and nobody looks for a deeper level of friendship. I asked God why. I have considered He do not want this for me because I must to be focused just in Him. I´m sad for this.

    1. Thank you for reading the God Buddies blog, Eduardo. I am sad as well that people in your church are too busy to have friends. Men must learn to invest time in our friendships to help them grow deep. I pray that God will put the right man in front of you who will become your Good Buddy.

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