Covenantal Friendships Like Jonathan and David
This past weekend, I had the honor of speaking at a local church about the biblical friendship between Jonathan and David. Their story, detailed throughout the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, has been misunderstood and misused over the years. But properly studied and interpreted, their covenantal friendship shows how loyalty and emotional intimacy leads to deeper, more authentic friendships that we need more of today. The story is a complex one. The relationship between Jonathan, the heir apparent to the throne of Israel as the oldest son of King Saul, and David, the anointed future king and slayer of Goliath unfolds throughout the 31 chapters of 1 Samuel (I give a brief summary as part of my message you can watch at this link). This covenantal friendship also includes six important traits I describe below. First, let’s explore the difference between a covenant and an agreement. Covenant vs Agreement