Welcome to my GodBuddy blog!

In today’s fast-paced world, the need for genuine connections, especially among men, has never been more crucial. I refer to this type of relationship as “GodBuddies” – deeper, more authentic friendships with other men that offer support, celebrate achievements, offer prayers during tough times, and provide the necessary accountability for personal growth. Through this blog, I aim to offer practical guidance on fostering such friendships that aid in creating better men. More godly men.


I coined the term “GodBuddies” (GBs for short) over a decade ago. It came from my personal need for deeper bonds and support during my struggle with workaholism that teetered on depression. Drawing inspiration from Proverbs 27:17, I saw the metaphor of iron sharpening iron correlated to the concept of mutual improvement among men. Just as two pieces of iron sharpen each other through friction, men can refine one another’s character through mutual support and accountability. This biblical principle highlights the transformative power of authentic friendships in redefining masculine virtues.

Future posts will delve into the significance of leaping into GodBuddy relationships. I will offer practical advice on self-care and nurturing meaningful connections with those in your circle of influence, including your spouse, children, extended family, and community, as well as your GodBuddies.

My long-term vision included translating these insights into a book, which I self-published in August 2022. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable in shaping content that helps men become better men. More authentic men. More godly men.

So click on the SUBSCRIBE button above to automatically receive notices of new posts. I also invite you to share these posts with anyone seeking deeper, more authentic friendships. Together, let’s embark on a journey of personal growth and genuine camaraderie.


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