Category: Introduction

Thank You! (Get a Signed Copy)

The first copies of new book have started to arrive! THANK YOU to those who have purchased a copy of Get Out of Your Man Cave: The Crisis of Male Friendship and How to Turn Good Friends into GodBuddies.   I was excited and also humbled to sign my first ever copy for a friend this week and am happy to do so for anyone else.  If you live in my area (western suburbs of Chicago), reach out to me and we can meet up.  If you live elsewhere, I can send you a signed copy. Just QuickPay or Venmo me $14.99 and I will mail you a signed copy. After you read the book, please also post a review on Amazon. Reviews go a long way to raising the visibility so more people will read this important message about the need for deeper friendships.  If you have done done so yet, you

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Finding Your First GodBuddy

“Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves Generally, men are pretty bad at making friends—at least with other guys. So how do we find that “right guy” to be our first God Buddy? This is an important, yet scary step for most of us. As I explained in my earlier post, Where Did All My Friends Go?, as men get older, we often have fewer and fewer close male friendships. Yet, men crave intimacy in our friendships just as much as women. Intimacy for men is not the same as it for our female counterparts. Its a closeness that men that develop from having a tight bond formed when you realize “You too?!”. But how do you start? Find Commonality Friendship usually starts during a

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My “GB” Relationship

Enjoy this guest post by my first God Buddy, Bill, who describes how our “GB” relationship got started. –Rich, your Chief God Buddy The first time I met Rich was at our church with a simple ‘hi’. We had no real conversation except to exchange this casual greeting. I remember he was much younger, so we really didn’t have much in common (or so I thought). Little did I know at that time what God had in store for us. I believe nothing in life is left to chance. God had a purpose in that initial greeting. Plans for both of us. In Jeremiah 29:11, God said, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you…” The next encounter I had with Rich was a few weeks later on the golf course. He was with another group of guys on another hole and my tee shot

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My “GB” Relationship

Enjoy this guest post by my first God Buddy, Bill, who describes how our “GB” relationship got started. –Rich, your Chief God Buddy The first

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