Why I Needed a GodBuddy

In my post, Loneliness is a huge threat to our health, I stated men are more isolated today than ever before. We are in desperate need of real friends. The stresses of life and lack of genuine friendships may even be killing us!

In today’s world of inappropriate sexual conduct, random school shootings, racial riots, and political insurrections, we see many guys who still act like boys. Accusations of “toxic” behaviors reveal that many males still need better guidance on how to use their God-given masculinity. Friendships with godly men can help them maintain the proper standards for biblical manhood and the ways of Jesus. 

Many men today also struggle with balancing the responsibilities at work and home life. They’re failing in adulthood. Many males are not acting like grown men who are head of our homes, sensitive and caring fathers, and devoted husbands. We try to advance our careers and sharing in the responsibilities of marriage. However, we crumble under the pressure and feel left out on an island with no one to help us figure everything out.

These are just some of the reasons why men need closer friendships who help them through the biggest challenges in life.

My Story

My own need for this type of friendship with another man started back in the year 2000. I was dealing with the demands of my new career and the pressure of sharing the responsibilities of a growing family. Liek many men, I struggled with workaholism.

Mentally exhausted after work, I brought the stress home with me. By the end of the day, I was unable to shut down my mind and struggled to fall asleep. My doctor was concerned about depression.

Fortunately, my wonderful wife suggested that I get involved in the men’s group at our church to get others things on my mind. Deep down, she probably knew there were other men in the group who had gone through the same issue.

Enter my “GB”

Rich and Bill

It was in our men’s group that I met Bill Johnson, the man who became my first GodBuddy, or “GB” as we now call each other. Bill had a successful career as a partner for a major consulting firm, was married, and had raised two boys. He was about 10 years older so he’d been “down the road” on many of life’s experiences. Bill was exactly what I needed at the time.

There’s more about how Bill and I developed our GodBuddy relationship in other posts. Go ahead and explore all the content on this site to learn how GodBuddies help other men become better men.

Feel free to comment below about why you believe men today need a better friend who can help them figure life out. Each post includes a Comment section as well and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Thanks for reading along. My prayer is that this blog provides you all the tools you need to develops friendships that help you and other men become GodBuddies!

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