A Peek Inside My GodBuddies Book
Here’s a sneak peek to the main contents in the list below of the chapter headings. Each chapter includes Questions for Personal Reflection. I’ve also included some tools in the back of the book to help you assess your current friendships and identify potential GodBuddies. Included are some Group Study questions at the back of the book for your small group discussions as well. Introduction 1. What Exactly is a GodBuddy Friendship? 2. The Life-Stages of Friendships 3. My Work-Life “UN-balance” Story 4. How We Lost Our Friends 5. How Many Friends Can You Really Have? 6. The Biggest Challenges Men Face 7. Making the Case for GodBuddies 8. Traits of a GodBuddy Relationship 9. GodBuddy Principles 10. Let’s Get Practical 11. Proceed with Caution: Opposite Gender Friendship 12. Final Encouragement Appendices – Relationship Self-Assessment – Friendship Survey – Confidentiality Agreement between Friends – Creating a Life Plan – Group Study Questions