Category: Mentoring

GBs in The Bible: Ruth and Naomi

As I move further into this series of posts about GBs in The Bible, it’s time to give an example of female counterparts since being a God Buddy is not just something for men. There are plenty of women in Scripture who had Christ-like characteristics and were transformed for God’s bigger purposes; none better than this week’s example of Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi. Relationship with an In-Law The story of Ruth and Naomi is an unlikely friendship. We have all heard the all-too-common jokes made about in-laws—particularly a mother-in-law? And how many of us have ever found a best friend in our mother- or father-in-law? (Spoiler alert: There is a future post coming on Moses and his father-in-law Jethro). This relationship shows that God Buddyesses (is that even such a word?!) can be devoted and protective of the legacy of their companion, regardless of their age difference and family

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GBs in The Bible: Timothy, Paul’s Protege

My introduction to this series of posts about GBs in the Bible explained that a God Buddy relationship is built on a solid biblical foundation of Christ-like characteristics that helps transform people for God’s bigger purposes in the world. My last post about the Apostle Paul (a mentor) and Barnabas (a peer) was some of the Three Relationships Every Man Needs. The next example from that same post is that of Timothy, Paul’s young protege. Investing in the Next Generation I believe that everyone needs role models – typically someone ahead of where you are in life’s journey. I also believe everyone needs to mentor someone just behind them in the journey – in order to develop the next generation of leaders, Christian and responsible men. I’ve had the honor to partner with my wife in raising three boys, who are now fine young men that make me proud of

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