Category: Friendships

New Year; New Types of Friends

A new year is a perfect time to start something fresh. Better yet, it’s a good time to re-evaluate your life’s practices and habits in general. This could include your food and alcohol consumption, frequency of exercise or spiritual disciplines, and even how you engage in relationships. This is especially true when evaluating your types of friends.  Spoiler Alert: This post includes a free download to a Relationship Self-Assessment to help you. Jump to download As I wrote in my last post, Reflections on My Journey through The MANual, I found many lessons as I read the entire Bible last year.  In addition to staying COVID-free, I also published a book titled Get Out of Your Man Cave: The Crisis of Male Friendship which expands the narrative about why men (and women for that matter!) need better friendships.  After retiring from my “paying job” in 2020, the book certainly is a “bucket list”

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GBs in The Bible: Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Another example of God Buddies in the Bible is one of my favorites, mainly because I like to say the names Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego! God deeply desires that we find close friends who stand with us whenever we enter the fires of life that test in our faith. The relationship between Daniel and his three best friends helps us think about the real meaning of friendship. The three grew in their faith together, stood by each other during some trials, and never allowed their friendship to usurp God’s place in their lives; not even in the face of death. God Buddies will also stand strong with you and support you, whereas casual acquaintances or friends of proximity usually won’t be there when things get really “hot”. Like Daniel and his buddies, it’s easier to trust in God with friends with shared convictions and beliefs. Biblical Background The book of

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GBs in The Bible: David and Nathan

One more example of God Buddies in The Bible is that of David and Nathan. Their story reminds us of how even great men like King David, are human and struggle with sin. But we also need someone who will speak truth to us, even if it may cost us a friendship. God used Nathan, the prophet to change the direction of David’s life. Nathan knew that if he rebuked David about his affair and subsequent murder, it might cost him their friendship and possibly even his life. Of course, the recipient needs to accept responsibility for their actions and be accountable to repent or change. All are characteristics that essential to your deepening friendship. Biblical Background David, the young shepherd boy who killed Goliath then enjoyed a loyal and emotionally close friendship with Jonathan, has now grown up to become the second king of Israel. David believed, as did

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