Missing My GodBuddy
Today is the 10th anniversary of the unexpected passing of one of my earliest GodBuddies, Christopher J. Davolos, who died on April 1, 2014, after exercising during his lunch break at work. Chris’ influence on me and his friendship embodied the GodBuddy concept, which is why my website is dedicated to Chris. I honor his wife, Kathy, and their children, Maggie and Ben with this repost knowing a different piece is still missing for each of us without Chris around. The Friendships Every Guy Needs In Three Relationships Every Man Needs, I suggested every man needs a Paul (mentor), a Barnabas (peer), and a Timothy (protege) in their life. Barnabas and Paul became close friends as they traveled together on the first of Paul’s three missionary journeys. Nicknamed “Son of Encouragement” and “Son of Exhortation” (see Acts 4:36) Barnabas was at Paul’s side during his best times and also his