Don’t Boo or Criticize People

Recently, the NBA’s Chicago Bulls organization created a Ring of Honor to celebrate the changemakers, champions, and icons of their history. Sadly, during the halftime ceremony, some fans booed the announcement of former General Manager, Jerry Krause as part of the inaugural class. Krause’s widow Thelma, seated courtside alongside other honorees, broke down crying in embarrassment. Fortunately, former player, Ron Harper stood up to quickly console her. Ex-Bull and current Golden State Warriors coach, Steve Kerr said the booing was shameful. Bulls television color man, Stacy King scolded the fans who booed. Daily Herald writer, Steve Sarley wrote that people wouldn’t boo the Jerry Krause he knew. Each properly stood up for the legacy of a man and his widow. 

Unfortunately, some people feel that buying a ticket to a sporting event, play, or movie, entitles them to do just anything within the law. Sure, they have the right to boo the performance of their favorite team. But there is no reason to boo or bad-mouth any individual, especially someone deceased or not able to defend themselves.

Good men know they will be booed and criticized at some point in their lives. But they learn to handle it maturely and without anger. They also learn to not talk badly about people behind their backs. They show integrity by bringing their complaints or criticisms directly to the person in a calm, kind, and understanding manner. 

The Bible reminds them that we are all fallen people (Genesis 3::2-19) and no human is perfect (Romans 3:9–20). Our sinful nature means we are prone to be critical of others and talk behind their back. Shamefully, I am guilty as well.

However, men of God work for the common good (Romans 8:28–32). They encourage each other by building up (1 Thessalonians 5:11), rather than booing and breaking each other down. They become like the “Son of Encouragement” (Acts 4:36, as I wrote in GBs in The Bible: Paul and Barnabas). All men need a Barnabas-like friend amongst their GodBuddies since it is one of the Three Relationships Every Man Needs.

So become a man who encourages everyone and has friends who encourage and celebrate with you. Both will make you a better man.

Wisdom for Men is my opinion on topics that help men become better. The sources used are not fact-checked but support my theory that men are better with deeper, more authentic friendships. This GodBuddy theory is based on biblical principles but applies to all men, regardless of their beliefs. Better friendships can help solve the crisis of male friendship…and the world needs better men. More men who desire to be more like Jesus, our ultimate role model.

[Feature Image from Andy Partin on X, formerly known as Twitter]


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