Author: Rich Gorecki

It’s Time to Examine Your Life

This week’s Weekend Wisdom (my new name for the end of the week, in-between the main GB posts) comes from one of my heroes in the men’s ministry space, Patrick Morley of Man in the Mirror. Pat challenges us as men to look at our life to see if we are living with meaning and purpose. He writes “Perhaps the greatest weakness men currently face is that they tend to lead unexamined lives.” I also add one of my favorite quotes by Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Both quotes lead to the question, “Do I live according to the ways of the culture or do you live according to God’s Word?” In his post, Pat Morley describes a term called “Cultural Christianity” who are people that allow the culture to influence them more than the word of God. A cultural Christian tries to have the best of

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Between the Old and New Testaments

My year-long journey through the Bible now leads us to a 400-year period between the Prophets and the New Testament called the Intertestamental Period. I’m deviating from using The MANual for this post since my New Living Testament (NLT) Life Application Bible does a great job explaining this time period.  So first, here’s a brief refresher of the Old Testament to help us understand the need for a new covenant with God described in the New Testament.  About the Old Testament As you read in some prior posts during this journey, the Christian Bible’s Old Testament is broken down into four main sections:  The Books of Moses (5 books from Genesis through Deuteronomy),  The History of Israel (12 books from Joshua through Esther) The Books of Poetry (5 books from Job through the Song of Solomon), and  The Prophets (17 books but read below for more).  The books of the

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Confession is the Manliest Thing You Can Do

Your weekend GodBuddy post comes from an important two-part podcast by Jim Ramos of Men in the Arena. Jim believes that confession is one of the most manly things we can do. He refers to a statistic from research by the Barna Group and one of my heroes in the men’s space, Dr. Robert Lewis of Men’s Fraternity and BetterMan which shows the importance of having deep, authentic friendships with another man, or what I call a GodBuddy. “Men with just one confidant in their life are 3x more satisfied with life and 84% of those men are not overwhelmed with life.” – Barna Research More satisfied with life and less overwhelmend…who doesn’t need that these days! James 5:16 also reminds us “Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” Men,

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