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GBs in The Bible: Paul and Barnabas

In my introduction to this series about GBs in The Bible, I suggested that Scripture provides some great examples of God Buddies (“GBs” for short). Each of the next posts in this series will explain the biblical foundation and Christ-like characteristics that helped transform one or more of the people in the story as they were used for God’s bigger purposes. I begin with more about the Apostle Paul and his companion, Barnabas who you initially learned about in my post, Three Relationships Every Man Needs. A Peer Turned Mentor The story of Paul and Barnabas demonstrates two important aspects of God Buddy relationships: doing life together with a peer, and having a mentor to help guide and teach you about what it means to be a godly man (or women, since females should also have a mentor). You may recall Paul and Barnabas traveled together to the island of

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GBs in The Bible: Introduction

After summarizing my theory about the need for deeper friendships in Making the Case for God Buddies, I’m now beginning a new series of posts that provide examples of “GBs” (that’s short for “God Buddies” for those of you just joining in) in the Bible to further support my position. Each of these biblical friendships demonstrate how ordinary and often sinful people are transformed for God’s bigger purposes in the world. You may recall in What Exactly is a God Buddy relationship?, I explained that this type of friendship is different because it connects you both on a “soul level”. My belief is a relationship between God Buddies can only occur if it is built on a solid foundation of biblical characteristics that I will detail in a later series. So let’s start at the beginning. The beginning of time. God created everything “Good”… In the beginning, God created the

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Digital Minimalism Can Help Your Friendships

Can technology and social media help you make closer friends? Depending on who you ask, the answer is “Yes”. But I might suggest the answer is also a resounding “No”! Sure, this statement seems strange in the era of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the plethora of social media options. On one hand, social media is good for keeping in touch. According to Pew Research’s study Using Social Media to Keep in Touch, roughly two-thirds (67%) of social media users say staying in touch with current friends and family members is the major reason they use social media sites. About half use it to reconnect with old friends. On the other hand, we frequently hear that over use of social media is having a negative impact on brain development of our youth and is weakening our interpersonal skills to the point that it affects our friendships. As I have written previously

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