Men Helping Men Become Better Men
Men Helping Men Become Better Men
Men Helping Men Become Better Men

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How Many Friends Can You Really Have?

Let’s go back to some data and a couple of experts to answer the question about the right number of friends to have. According to data from the General Social Survey (GSS), the number of Americans who say they have no close friends has roughly tripled in recent decades. “Zero” is also the most common response when people are asked how many close confidants they have the GSS data shows. And adult men seem to be especially bad at keeping and cultivating friendships. This may seem strange in the era of Facebook, Twitter and our numerous social media options. But the “friends” in your digital galaxy aren’t the ones that matter when it comes to your health and happiness. Dr. Mark Vernon, a philosopher, psychotherapist and author of The Meaning of Friendship suggests that even one very good friend can improve your life in profound ways. Vital friendships have the greatest

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What Exactly is a GodBuddy Relationship?

Over the years, I’ve developed some very close friendships with guys that came from spending time together in casual conversation, doing recreation, and just good old-fashioned hanging out. These are guys with whom I have a lot in common and we often share the same set of values. They are good friends, sometimes very good friends. However, a “GodBuddy” friendship is like no other. How is God Buddy Different? In two of my opening posts here and here, I outlined a man’s need for some GodBuddies. These GodBuddy relationships (your “GBs” as I call them) are authentic, deep, and genuine friendships instead of shallow acquaintances that so many people have these days. Your GB is similar to a close friendship but it connects you both on a “soul level”. It’s a very authentic, non-judgmental friendship, and accountable to a higher set of standards: God’s standards. It’s a friendship that evolves

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Why I Needed a GodBuddy

In my post, Loneliness is a huge threat to our health, I stated men are more isolated today than ever before. We are in desperate need of real friends. The stresses of life and lack of genuine friendships may even be killing us! In today’s world of inappropriate sexual conduct, random school shootings, racial riots, and political insurrections, we see many guys who still act like boys. Accusations of “toxic” behaviors reveal that many males still need better guidance on how to use their God-given masculinity. Friendships with godly men can help them maintain the proper standards for biblical manhood and the ways of Jesus.  Many men today also struggle with balancing the responsibilities at work and home life. They’re failing in adulthood. Many males are not acting like grown men who are head of our homes, sensitive and caring fathers, and devoted husbands. We try to advance our careers

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