Category: Biblical Support

MANual Lessons from Psalms (Books 3, 4 & 5)

This post in my year-long series with lessons from my NIV Bible for Men called The MANual finishes the book of Psalms. My first post with the Introduction to the Psalms indicated there are five collections of songs and prayers that form 150 chapters. I covered the first 72 in my post on lessons from books 1 & 2 so this post on the last 3 books will cover the remainder of the 150 chapters.  Even More about The Psalms  As I previously explained, the collections of Psalms parallel the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Each book collection concludes with a doxology that signifies the completion of the book with Psalm 150 serving as the final doxology for all the Psalms.  Psalms are found in the very center of the Christian Bible so Psalm 118:8-9, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than

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MANual Lessons from Psalms (Books 1 & 2)

In my last post in this series on lessons from The MANual, I gave you an Introduction to the Psalms. With 150 chapters to cover, I am splitting the lessons on Psalms into two posts: the first two books in this one and the other three in the next. I’m also returning to using the 5 features of the MANual, my New International Version Bible “written by men to men” which is the main resource for this series as described in my initial post encouraging us to Downshift and Refocus this year.   More about The Psalms  As I explained in the Introduction, there are collections of chapters in Psalms that form five books of songs and prayers which parallel the five books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Each book concludes with a doxology that signifies the end of the collection. Psalm 150 serves as the final

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MANual Lessons from Psalms: Introduction

Our journey this year through the books of the Bible now brings us to the very center of Scripture: the Psalms. There are so many lessons to learn from the Psalms that I’ll need to break it into several posts. I’ll start with an overview and some interesting facts that emphasize the central theme we find right in the center of the Christian Bible: “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man” (Psalm 118:8). Next week, I’ll return to the specific lessons in Psalms in another post.  About the Psalms The MANual, my NIV (New International Version) Bible for Men, refers to the 150 chapters of Psalms as a book of “life songs” since the original title, Tehillim means “praise songs” in Hebrew. The English title we know as Psalms originated from Septuigant’s title, Psalmoi, which also means “songs of praise.”  The Psalms give

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