Category: Basic Training

Applying Better Manhood Skills to Your Legacy

One of the most critical aspects of a man’s life is his lasting impact on the world, or what is called his legacy. In this next-to-last post of this series about creating a roadmap to better manhood, I describe the importance of a man’s legacy and its components that help create a positive impact. I will also describe what I believe is another critical part of a man’s legacy: the eternal aspect. Legacy goes beyond how men apply the skills of manhood to acquiring material things and earthly matters. It goes beyond how much money you leave heirs and what people say about you after you die. Becoming a better man includes having a different mindset about your legacy and the everlasting impact on your descendants and the world.   The Importance of a Legacy Let’s start by understanding the significance of a man’s legacy and why it is essential

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Applying Better Manhood to Life Planning and Goal-Setting

As I continue this series on the skills needed for better manhood, I want to emphasize the importance of life planning and goal-setting. Men, in particular, need plans and goals to succeed in life. It helps them measure their personal and professional success. It helps them navigate life’s challenges and measure progress toward longer-term aspirations. Plans and goals provide structure, direction, and purpose that lead to more success in life. Success improves our self-esteem, enhances all of our relationships, and provides financial stability. Plans and goals create a vision for life, which is an important step toward maturity in adult men.  Disciplines for a Better Life As I have suggested throughout this series, maturity in a young male comes by learning to Manage Yourself Well. This begins as guys learn the hard and soft skills of better manhood and apply several personal disciplines such as:  Notice that the first discipline

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Applying Better Manhood to Problem-solving and Decision-making

The last post in this series on creating a roadmap to better manhood described how the hard- and soft skills apply to a man’s domestic life: his home and his family. This next post explains how good problem-solving and decision-making apply to those skills described in earlier posts to help men reach the level of maturity that the world needs more of today.  Subsequent posts on planning and goal-setting, and developing an awareness of your legacy, are the final marks of maturity of better men that conclude this series.  First, Have Personal Discipline  Throughout this series, I have suggested that maturity in a young male comes by learning to First, Manage Yourself Well. This maturity comes from applying a set of personal disciplines through all aspects of his life, such as:   Each of these disciplines is shaped by one’s personal experiences, cultural influences, and societal expectations. But how a male

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