Month: July 2019

Traits of a GB Relationship: Demonstrating Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Transparency

This current series on the traits of a God Buddy relationship is describing the characteristics that help us develop deeper friendships to become better men. In prior posts, we learned that Finding Commonality leads to Developing Trust in emerging friendships. You then request complete Confidentiality to get to the next phase in your God Buddy relationship.  The next trait is Demonstrating Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Transparency, which means exposing your weaknesses and sins to someone in order to begin the process of emotional and spiritual healing. First, let’s separate the three words: Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Transparency to define what each actually means.  The Same but Different According to this post (written from a perspective for creative people but very applicable to maturing friendships), being vulnerable, authentic, and transparent helps you cultivate meaningful connections with other human beings. But what is the difference between each of these three traits? Vulnerability The word

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Traits of a GB Relationship: Confidentiality

This series of posts about the unique Traits of a God Buddy relationship describes the characteristics that help men develop deeper friendships, which helps them become better men. The first trait of Finding Commonality leads to Developing Trust; the second trait. Paired with Trust is a characteristic that is absolutely necessary for a deep, meaningful GB relationship: Confidentiality. It probably goes without stating but I will anyway….one of the most basic rules of friendships of any kind is you must never break a friend’s confidences. Here are some definitions to consider: Confidentiality [ kŏn′fĭ-dĕn′shē-ăl′ĭ-tē]; Confidential [ kŏn′fĭ-dĕn′shē-ăl ]Noun: the state of keeping or being kept secret or private.Adjective: Spoken, written, acted on, etc., in strict privacy or secrecy; secret, a confidential remark Indicating confidence or intimacy; imparting private matters. Having another’s trust or confidence; entrusted with secrets or private affairs. In my previous post about Developing Trust, I indicated that during the early stages of a maturing friendship is when you should let your new friend know you are allowing them inside

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