Category: Friendships

2025: The Year for Better Male Friendships

In my last post with Reflections on Year 6 of this blog, I stated that too many men still fail in school, at work, and in their families. The increase in loneliness and isolation has created a culture that enables guys to hide behind a mask, which keeps others from knowing them well enough to know when they struggle. So this year, I want to double down on my theory that men need deeper, authentic friendships. This post kicks off the new year with an interesting video about the decline of friendship in America. It also includes facts about loneliness and why we must help connect young males in relationships with more mature men. With a renewed focus on having better friendships, our boys and men, our girls and women, and our families, can all do better.   Men Struggle with Stress and Loneliness According to recent studies, around 57%

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The Effects of Being Overly-Bonded with Mom

My last post, The Pain of An Absent Father, suggests ways to heal from the wound of not having a physically present and emotionally engaged dad. Another reason I believe we have a Crisis of Fatherlessness in America today is one many guys must resolve: their relationship with their mother. In this post, I describe the “Overly-Bonded with Mother” wound since it can impact his marriage, his children, and his friendships.   The “Enmeshed with Mom” Affect Also known as enmeshment or emotional entanglement, this wound is an unhealthy relationship that frequently lingers into adulthood. It develops when a boy becomes overly bonded with his mother as they share an intense emotional connection that blurs healthy boundaries into adulthood. This condition often starts with an absent or distant father but is inflicted by needy and hurting moms. It is also caused by “unwilling to release” types of moms, “fill in

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Is It Good To Be A Lone Wolf?

I recently stumbled across a new concept called the Sigma Male. Apparently, it’s a slang term used on the internet and in schools to describe a new-age “lone wolf” male. The Sigma mindset has gained traction due to its independence and self-reliance. But is this isolating approach a good thing for men? Is it creating a culture of immature males who are detached from traditional social hierarchies and void of deeper relationships. This post explains the differences in the various male archetypes and why men really need better friendships to avoid becoming a Sigma Male.  Understanding Male Personality Types Scholars and pop culture often categorize male personalities into seven main archetypes by Greek letter such as Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Omega, Zeta, and now Sigma Males (Read more in From Alpha to Omega: A Guide to the 7 Male Personalities which describes these personality traits, careers at which each would

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