April 9, 1957 – April 1, 2014
One of the inspirations for this blog was my good friend, Christopher J. Davolos, who died unexpectedly in 2014. My work on this website is dedicated to Chris, who helped me refine the God Buddy concept by the way he ran the race here on earth (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
Chris and I first met at a Friday morning men’s group gathering at River Glen Presbyterian Church in Naperville, IL. Over the years, our relationship developed into one that truly reached the God Buddy stage.
When I first attended that fateful men’s group gathering, I was struggling with some work balance issues that led to some excessive stress and sleep problems. My wife suggested I try out a Bible study with the guys.
At first, I wondered who this guy was who challenged the group-think and asked an awful lot of great questions. Well, that was Chris and it was quickly apparent he wanted to know more about God.
As I became more involved in men’s group, Chris and others were right there with me, showing me how to be a man of God and helping me build a strong band of brothers among the men of this church. This is when the concept of God Buddies began to get refined.
Over the years, Chris and I became very good friends. We shared some of our deep issues with the faith of our youth. Chris struggled mightily with his faith in God but he grew to understand that Jesus came to save us all from our sins. He knew his Bible but always was in continual learning mode. He desired that everyone would also come to the same understanding of Jesus, Lord, and Savior so he led the Adult Education efforts at River Glen Church.
A few years later, Chris and I worked on the church’s strategic planning committee and then on the Evangelism team. Over the years, let’s just say, Chris and I started to get each other.
Chris & I ran and biked together, we participated in men’s group activities together, watched and attended sporting events together, and just talked. We listened to each other and talked even more. We shared some of the same personal values and interests. We simply enjoyed each other’s company.
We eventually got to the point where we challenged and called each other out whenever it was needed. We prayed for each other and each of our families often. Each year, Chris and I would adjust our Spiritual Development Plan where we would each identify a couple of areas we needed to grow in our faith…and then we would ask each other how we were doing on those areas throughout the year. Accountability is a good thing!
Chris would often say he was far from perfect but that’s what made him such a good God Buddy. We were two very flawed and ordinary guys who helped each other become better men.
So in honor of Chris, I encourage you to reach out to another guy and just get started by hanging out together. Take the risk if you do not have any close friends. It’s not really that risky. You will begin to grow together and fail together, cheer for each other, and pray for each other. You will begin to call each other your God Buddy.
I miss you, Chris. I trust that God is answering all of your questions and telling you, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
Thanks for being there for me… I’ll see you again someday, God Buddy!