My name is Rich Gorecki and I’m just a “regular kind of guy” writing this blog based on my personal experience with authentic friendships after a struggle with workaholism that teetered toward depression.
I developed the concept of “God Buddies” based on my own experiences with friendships over the years and my learning about the biblical foundation for manhood in the men’s group at my church. It is a journey that led to a better understanding of the changing beliefs from my youth and the issues that impact men today. I guess you can say I’m becoming a student on the issue of how we become better men!
While I’m still in learning mode about my faith and knowledge of the Bible, I have read numerous books articles and books about raising boys and the cultural issues for men. I actively participate in various Bible studies and accountability groups both in and near my church.
I live in Chicago’s western suburbs and am married to my high school sweetheart, Cyndi. Together, we have raised 3 adult boys into young men. I am a member of Session (our boards of elders) at a local Presbyterian church, a trained Stephen Minister, and the volunteer leader of our men’s group. While I was helping raise my boys, I was an Assistant Scoutmaster with the local Boy Scout troop, youth t-ball and soccer coach, and former member of the D.O.G.S. program (Dads of Great Students) at a nearby elementary school. I have also volunteered as a mentor with Wayside Cross Ministries (an organization that helps men in transition).
In my free time, I enjoy golf, biking, walking/running, and watching just about any kind of sport; especially my beloved White Sox, Bears, Blackhawks, and Bulls. I graduated from Lewis University with a BA in business management and worked in the printing and publishing industry until recently retiring.