Category: Basic Training

My “GB” Relationship

Enjoy this guest post by my first God Buddy, Bill, who describes how our “GB” relationship got started. –Rich, your Chief God Buddy The first time I met Rich was at our church with a simple ‘hi’. We had no real conversation except to exchange this casual greeting. I remember he was much younger, so we really didn’t have much in common (or so I thought). Little did I know at that time what God had in store for us. I believe nothing in life is left to chance. God had a purpose in that initial greeting. Plans for both of us. In Jeremiah 29:11, God said, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you…” The next encounter I had with Rich was a few weeks later on the golf course. He was with another group of guys on another hole and my tee shot

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GodBuddies: your “Third Place”

Generally, men are pretty bad at making friends—especially with other guys. Its an important, yet scary step to find that “right guy” to be your first God Buddy. So where do you start? A good place might be your “Third Place”. If its the right place! According to a post titled, What Is a Third Place and Why Do You Need One?, one thing missing from the lives of most modern American men is a “Third Place.” The post’s author, Johnny Dzubak suggests it is important — even essential, for a man to have a Third Place in his life to socialize somewhere other than his home or work. So first, let’s define a Third Place and why is is important. What is a “Third Place”? Sociologist Ray Oldenberg first pioneered the concept of a Third Place in his 1989 book, The Great Good Place. Oldenberg explains that it is

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Who is in your “5”? Jesus had 3

In my post, How Many Friends Can You Really Have? I suggested fewer friends are better than many according to research by Dr. Robin Dunbar which showed you can only maintain up to five close friendships. This number reminded me of an old T-Mobile “Fave 5” commercial in which you could choose your five favorite people to include in your mobile phone plan. I bet those five are not your closest friends! Jesus’ Model for Friendships The structure of Jesus Christ’ relationships with the twelve apostles presents us with an interesting model for our friendships as well. His relationship with these twelve “ordinary men” transformed these fisherman, tax collectors, and political zealots into men who changed the course of the world. These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew

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My “GB” Relationship

Enjoy this guest post by my first God Buddy, Bill, who describes how our “GB” relationship got started. –Rich, your Chief God Buddy The first

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