Rethinking Your Parents’ Stories
My last two posts, The Pain of An Absent Father, and The Effects of Being Overly-Bonded with Mom described the impact of two “wounds” many men carry into adulthood. These wounds can affect our marriage, spouse, and children if left unaddressed. They also contribute to The Crisis of Fatherlessness in America. In this final post, I encourage you to view your parents’ stories from a new perspective and embrace forgiveness, which helps you heal to become a better husband and father. Broken Boys Remain Hurting Males One of my heroes in the men’s ministry space is Dr. Patrick Morley, author of several books for men. Shortly after getting through my struggle with workaholism, I read Morley’s first book, The Man in the Mirror: Solving the 24 Problems Men Face. That book accelerated my journey to becoming a better man as I described in my 2019 post, Looking at the