Men Helping Men Become Better Men
Men Helping Men Become Better Men
Men Helping Men Become Better Men

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Loneliness: a Huge Threat to our Health

My last post, Where did all our friends go? walked through how our friends change in childhood, college, and as couples throughout our life. For men, in particular, the loss of close friendships often leads to isolation and dealing with the stress of life in unhealthy ways. Often we deal with it all alone! Loneliness is Killing us A 2017 Boston Globe article by Billy Baker titled, The biggest threat facing middle-age men isn’t smoking or obesity. It’s loneliness. is the story of every man. Baker describes men in particular as cut off from their friendships by being over-scheduled pursuing the great American dream, the demands of work and family, of carpools and commutes. This applies to older men but it appears in rising numbers in younger men too. Our Mask Doesn’t Help My experience is that a large majority of men prevent their friends from really knowing them due

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Where Did All My Friends Go?

In my opening post, I stated men need “GodBuddies” which are authentic and genuine friendships with two or three guys who help each other become better men. In this post, I describe the types of friends a man has over his lifetime and answer the question: How did I lose the good friends of my younger days? Today, too many men have lost all their friendships. So we have to realize that friendships change over the course of our lifetime. Our childhood friends are much different than friends in our adult years. Our needs change, as do the needs of our friends. As we get older, we lose friendships at every stage of life. Here are the types of friends every man has throughout his lifetime. Childhood Friends As kids, we likely had multiple friends with whom we played baseball, kick-the-can, and did just about everything together. We went to the same

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Welcome to my GodBuddy blog!

In today’s fast-paced world, the need for genuine connections, especially among men, has never been more crucial. I refer to this type of relationship as “GodBuddies” – deeper, more authentic friendships with other men that offer support, celebrate achievements, offer prayers during tough times, and provide the necessary accountability for personal growth. Through this blog, I aim to offer practical guidance on fostering such friendships that aid in creating better men. More godly men. I coined the term “GodBuddies” (GBs for short) over a decade ago. It came from my personal need for deeper bonds and support during my struggle with workaholism that teetered on depression. Drawing inspiration from Proverbs 27:17, I saw the metaphor of iron sharpening iron correlated to the concept of mutual improvement among men. Just as two pieces of iron sharpen each other through friction, men can refine one another’s character through mutual support and accountability.

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