Rich’s interview on the Men in the Arena podcast
Here is my recent interview with Jim Ramos of the Men in the Arena podcast.
Here is my recent interview with Jim Ramos of the Men in the Arena podcast.
Last week, I was honored to present “A Formula for Turning Good Friends into GodBuddies” to the National Coalition of Ministries to Men (NCMM) during their biweekly national conference call. NCMM brings together more than 200 organizations and independent ministers throughout the country who encourage men and boys in their faith. You can access the recording, based on my new book, Get Out of Your Man Cave: The Crisis of Male Friendship, by clicking on the Zoom link and using passcode below. “A Formula for Turning Good Friends into GodBuddies” https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/j34dew-MPiwBrB9YoTra4pYKC0iXgNTzdyMjvtyeab_d8ik9zwZt5CEl3Fhq11gp.DOgB-eRU0EuZgFhb Passcode: x!5oD1@3 If you’re interested in finding out more about making and keeping deeper, more authentic friendships, you can purchase a copy of my book on Amazon at the links below. Afterward, feel free to post a review since it goes a long way to raising the visibility of the book. Buy the eBook Buy the Paperback Thank you… I appreciate your
Now that I’m halfway through my year-long journey of lessons from The MANual, my NIV Bible for Men, it’s time to include occasional posts with other God Buddy-related topics. This post is about my guest appearance on the Salt + Rock podcast where I provide my perspective on Timothy’s mentee-mentor relationship with the Apostle Paul. Earlier this year, Blake Walker contacted me about my interest in being a guest on one of their podcasts. Blake and his buddy, Britain Rogers record a weekly podcast to help the average man navigate today’s world by learning how to be the salt of the earth and having a firm foundation with Christ as the Rock. The guys stumbled upon my blog independently while researching for their recent series on Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy. I’m both honored and humbled to be their first-ever guest. Check out the other Salt + Rock episodes at this
Here is my recent interview with Jim Ramos of the Men in the Arena podcast.
Last week, I was honored to present “A Formula for Turning Good Friends into GodBuddies” to the National Coalition of Ministries to Men (NCMM) during their
Now that I’m halfway through my year-long journey of lessons from The MANual, my NIV Bible for Men, it’s time to include occasional posts with