Traits of a GB Relationship: Patience and Kindness
My series on the traits of a God Buddy relationship sets the foundation for your friendship with another man. As you move deeper with your GB though, you will need to apply the next trait: Patience and Kindness, especially after applying the difficult trait of Confrontation, Confession, and Accountability. When everything is going fine with your God Buddy, patience and kindness are easy. The true test comes when your GB lets you down or there is difficulty in your friendship. Remember, one of the goals of a God Buddy relationship is to “sharpen” each other (see Proverbs 27:17, which I will write about in more depth soon). The sharpening that comes from the use of these traits helps you become more like Jesus. Jesus: Our Role Model for Patience and Kindness When we examine the life of Jesus Christ, it’s obvious He was patient with those around Him. He continued